February 10, 2021


The Mississippi Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights is hosting a series of public, online panel discussions regarding the qualified immunity of law enforcement in the state. The Committee will consider the potential impact of qualified immunity on disparities based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, and/or disability status that exist throughout the criminal justice system. 

ACLU of Mississippi Executive Director Jarvis Dortch served as a panelist on the February 10, 2021 panel discussion.

“Qualified Immunity is judicial policy making that shields law enforcement from accountability. It shields bad police who use excessive force without fear of repercussions. They know the qualified immunity protects them, even if they may be violating the Constitution. Congress should act to make sure persons wrongfully harmed by police officers can receive justice, and that there is greater accountability of police,” Dortch said.

The next panel discussion will happen February 12, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. central.

Register online at:https:// bit.ly/33HKsZg

Audio only dial: 800-360-9505; Access code: 199 383 0420