Today, December 1, is the 22nd annual observation of World AIDS Day—a day to recognize the 33.3 million people currently living with HIV/AIDS in the world, including 2.5 million children. The theme for World AIDS Day 2010 is 'Universal Access and Human Rights'
The human rights of people living with HIV/AIDS include the right to medically accurate information about ways to prevent the spread of HIV, as well as the right to adequate medical care for those persons already living with the disease.
The protection of these rights is fundamental to combating the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Failure to protect these rights in the past has fueled the spread of HIV, especially among marginalized groups such as injecting drug users and sex workers who are at a higher risk of HIV infection. Upholding these rights now would prevent new infections, and persons currently living with HIV/AIDS could live free from discrimination.
Decide this World AIDS Day to make a difference. One way to make a difference is simply to get tested. Knowing your status is fundamental to your health, the health of your sexual partners, and to being in control of your own sexual life. Another way to make a difference is to commit to using preventive measures whenever engaging in sexual activities or sharing needles.
Join the world this World AIDS Day in paying homage to those we have lost in the fight against HIV/AIDS, and celebrating those millions of people now living, surviving and thriving with this chronic disease.
-Valencia Robinson