Jackson, MS –Don’t miss the last stop of the R.O.O.T.S. of Sunflower County museum exhibit tour at the Margaret Walker Center on the campus of Jackson State University.The exhibit kicks-off with a reception, free and open to the public, on Friday, June 2, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.It will remain on display through July 30.
The R.O.O.T.S. of Sunflower County museum exhibit sheds light on the experiences of young people growing up in the Mississippi Delta, helps to reduce stereotypes and increase opportunities for young men and boys of color, and shares stories that provide a springboard for impacting change across the state and across the country. Journey along with the R.O.O.T.S. team as they conquer the school to prison pipeline and the negative narrative that surrounds them.
The exhibit is a collaboration of the ACLU of Mississippi, Mississippi Center for Justice, Sunflower County Consolidated School District, and Story For All. For more information, visit www.sunflowercountysystemschange.com.
The R.O.O.T.S. Project, which stands for Reclaiming Our Origins Through Story, is the narrative change piece that grew out of the Sunflower County Systems Change Project (SCSCP). The SCSCP is a community-based systems change approach that addresses school discipline, juvenile justice and media narrative of young men and boys of color (YMBOC). It is a partnership effort between the ACLU of Mississippi, the Mississippi Center for Justice, the Sunflower County Consolidated School District and its P-16 Council that began in 2015.