7/1/18 UPDATE: Governor Bryant has stated that he vows to continue to support the President's orders, thereby placing politics over people. That's why we must raise our voices and demand that the governor forbid the use of future state resources that support the horrible actions of separating families and detaining families indefinitely.
- Recall Mississippi National Guard troops from border;
- Refuse to send any additional troops; and
- Withdraw support for jailing children and families along the border and forbid the use of future state resources that support 'zero tolerance policy' actions of federal entities, including entry prosecutions, separating children from their parents or legal guardians, or detaining families indefinitely.
The ACLU of Mississippi is calling on Governor Bryant to withdraw Mississippi National Guardsmen support of operations along the U.S.-Mexico border. Several other governors, including Republican governors in Maryland and Massachusetts, have withdrawn their troops in protest against the policy of the President’s Administration, which separates children from their parents at the border.
Last month, Governor Bryant stated that he stands 'ready to receive the President's orders.' Shortly thereafter, a group of Mississippi Guardsmen from Tupelo were deployed in support of border operations.
The following statement may be attributed to ACLU of Mississippi Executive Director Jennifer Riley Collins.
“Parents and children at the U.S. border are experiencing severe trauma as a result of the President’s message on immigration. Children, crying for their moms and dads, are being torn from their parents’ arms. Parents are being tricked into releasing their children. This is not about border security. These are not actions that are reflective of what Mississippi nor the United States of America represent.
“We ask Governor Bryant to rethink his willingness to follow this unacceptable practice.
“Our request is clear. Governor Bryant, please don’t force our troops to participate in acts that will haunt them later. Call our troops home until this policy is withdrawn.”