Morgan Miller, ACLU of Mississippi, 769-447-6678;
JACKSON, Miss – Today, United States District Court Judge Carlton Reeves overturned Mississippi’s ban on same-sex marriage by granting a preliminary injunction pending a two week stay. The ruling comes after hearing oral arguments inCampaign for Southern Equality v. Phil Bryanton November 12. The following can be attributed to ACLU of Mississippi Executive Director, Jennifer Riley-Collins:
“We are thrilled that the freedom to marry has finally come to Mississippi! This is a beautiful day for all the loving and committed same-sex couples who have long waited to get married, or for their marriages to be recognized in Mississippi, and for their loved ones and supporters. We applaud Judge Reeves for concluding "that Mississippi’s same-sex marriage ban deprives same-sex couples and their children of equal dignity under the law. Gay and lesbian citizens cannot be subjected to second class citizenship.” We have fought long and hard to ensure everyone receives equal treatment under the law and are proud to be a part of this movement.
The ACLU will remain committed to this fight until there is marriage in every state. The harm to same-sex couples seeking the freedom to marry is real, and the freedom to marry should be available to everyone.
We also must make sure to protect this important victory by being vigilant in opposition to any discriminatory measures put forth to chip away at equal treatment for same-sex couples.”