February 26, 2014

The ACLU of Mississippi Opposes Senate Bill 2681

The ACLU of Mississippi supports the fundamental liberty of religious freedom. But the right to act on one's religious beliefs is not absolute. It is not a free pass to ignore the law or violate the basic rights of others.

For countless years, the ACLU of Mississippi has fought for the rights of all religious believers – Christians, Jews, Muslims, Native Americans, Sikhs, and more – to practice their religious beliefs. We oppose S.B. 2681, the Mississippi Religious Freedom Restoration Act, because it allows individuals to use their religious beliefs as an excuse to discriminate against others.

This bill would excuse any person from any state or local law that they claim "burdens" their exercise of religion.

  • It would allow religion to be used to discriminate by failing to protect critical civil rights laws.
  • It would allow individual employees to opt out of performing duties or following work rules that conflict with their personal beliefs.
  • It could open the floodgates to frivolous litigation that will cost taxpayer money and clog our court systems.

This bill is not just about changing the state seal, this is about legalizing discrimination.

Say NO to S.B. 2681 and stop legalized discrimination in Mississippi!

Take our quiz to find out how much you know about the Mississippi Religious Freedom Restoration Act (SB 2681).